Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Silk Tie Dyed Easter Eggs
The ties HAVE to be 100% silk or it won't work! I did notice that a couple of the ties I used said they were 100% silk, but nothing transferred to the eggs so obviously they weren't telling the truth.
First things first, rip apart the ties. Take out all of the lining and remove any loose strings.
Depending on the size of the tie you'll be able to cover 2-4 eggs. Cut just enough material from the tie to be able to completely wrap around the egg.
Wrap the egg with the print side TOWARDS the egg.
Be careful when wrapping the egg since they are RAW and could crack.
Secure the material with a rubber band or twisty tie.
TIP: Try to wrap the egg so there are as FEW creases as possible...The creases will show up (I'll show you what I mean at the end of the post).
Then take your white scrap material (I cut up an old pillow case) and cover the egg again. Secure with another rubber band.
Once all the eggs are wrapped in both the tie material and the white scrap material you are ready to cook them.
Add all of the covered eggs to the pot of water and turn on the heat. Bring water to a boil. Boil for 25 minutes.
When they are done cooking, remove them from the water, but leave them WRAPPED! Allow them to cool and dry on a towel while they are still wrapped. (I would say at least an hour and then you can transfer them to the fridge to continue cooling and drying if you plan to eat the eggs later).
As I mentioned before, if there are a lot of creases in your material when you wrap the egg, they will show up on the finished product (note the white streaks on the eggs). It is inevitable to have some, so try to pull the fabric so the creases are all on one side of the egg.
simple crafts
Painting: Go to JoAnns, buy a small wooden birdhouse for $1.29. Buy some water-based Acrylic paint. Paint away, kid...paint away.
The dunce cap (or party hat): piece of 12x12 paper, stapler or tape, and crayons. Let the kids color the paper. Wrap it into a cone. Cut and staple (or tape) as needed.
How to Pretty up your Bathroom Towel**TUTORIAL**
Monday, May 30, 2011
Easy Salsa
1/4 yellow or white onion
3-4 slices of jalapeno (I like mine hot)
Christmas Topiary

I started at the bottom and did the first row using all the different ornaments. I glued them all to the cone to help secure them in place--do this even if they look like they would stay on their own--trust me!
Tip: To avoid any left over white space you can paint the cone a corresponding color before you begin.

Work your way up to the top of the cone and when you are done use the smaller ornaments to fill in the blank spaces between the balls.
Glue the Topiary to an old candle stick.

Allow yourself 3-4 hours for the entire project (depending on the size of the cone and the type of ornaments you purchase. It's well worth the effort! Have Fun!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Yogurt Parfait
1/2 c. plain yogurt
1 c. mixed fruit, sliced
1/2 cup granola
Layer 2 TBS each of the yogurt, fruit and granola. Repeat until you read the top of the glass and end with the yogurt.
*If you have a tall, clear glass it’s fun to see the layers…
Popcorn in a bag
1/4 c. popcorn kernels
2 TBS. olive oil
Brown paper lunch bag
Toss the popcorn in olive oil and place in bag. Fold down the top and staple.
Put in the microwave for 2 +/- minutes. Listen for the popping to stop and take out immediately.
Sprinkle with salt.
Frozen Banana Pops
2 Medium Ripe Bananas
4 chopsticks
2 cups plain low fat yogurt
1 cup of cereal (granola*, cheerios, or whatever you like)
Peel the bananas and cut them crosswise in half. Insert a chopstick into each half, dip in yogurt and roll in the cereal until evenly coated.
Place on a tray, cover with plastic wrap and freeze until firm (3-4 hours).
*Homemade granola recipe HERE
Homemade Vanilla Granola
Not much tastes better than homemade granola. This one tastes great!
- 8 c. oats
- 2 c. sliced almonds
- 1 c. wheat germ (I omitted this)
- 1 c. brown sugar
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- craisins or raisins to taste (optional)
- 3/4 c. canola oil
- 1 c. honey
- 3 TBS vanilla
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Combine first 8 ingredients (dry ingredients) in a large bowl. In a saucepan combine oil, honey, and vanilla and bring to a boil. Let boil for 1 minute then pour over oat mixture.
Mix until all ingredients are moistened. Divide and spread mixture over 2 large cookie sheets and bake for 20-30 minutes. Remove from oven and leave on pans until the granola hardens. Break up granola and store in large ziploc bags or containers.
*I cut this recipe in half. I also thought there was too much salt in this, so I would cut it in half next time.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Healthy Snacks
Snacks are hard in our home. It is SO easy to pop open a box of Nilla Wafers or hand them some pudding. Not that these are necessarily bad (in moderation), but it isn’t the healthiest thing you could give your kids.
I have found that they love to dip. In anything. So, I put out carrots or cucumbers and let them dip in Ranch dressing. Hummus? They love it…
I was reading an article that gave a list of 6 snacks that you can’t OVERDO! I love this. I am not really a moderation type of person. If I am hungry, I eat. and eat. and eat. (I chew a lot of gum!) Perfect!
Most of the things on the list are super easy and you probably already have it at home.
Here’s the article by SHAPE Magazine:
1.) Homemade Cucumber Pickles
2.) Air-popped Popcorn
3.) Zucchini carpaccio
4.) Canned artichokes
5.) Homemade Kale Chips
6.) Finger-food veggies
Happy Eating!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The down on sunscreen
Summer is right around the corner, {I hope!} With summer comes longer days, warmer weather, sun and playing outside…
Sometimes I forget to put sunscreen on my kids {gasp} but I am trying extremely hard to be better about it. It is so important that we do…
Please, Please, Please read these articles about sunscreen. Read them even BEFORE buying sunscreen. Click the link below for more info:
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Sunday Debate
Let’s talk about the Sabbath. What is your opinion on the way you spend it?
Growing up, I didn’t play sports on Sunday. BUT, if I had a Choir concert I went. Luke thinks this is hypocritical. {In his defense, he wasn’t always LDS.}
What do you think?
*I think that music can bring you closer to the Spirit. Sports? Not so much.
*Here’s my disclaimer: Whatever is said here is MY opinion. Whatever is said in the COMMENT section are OTHER people’s comments.
Lindsay Brin Fitness
I am not a fitness expert by any sense of the word. I would say that I am quite a novice, BUT I have had lots of exposure to fitness:
High school. College. Weight training classes. Gym Membership. Tae Bo videos (does this count?). Pilates. Lindsay Brin.
Let me repeat myself. Lindsay. Brin. She is amazing! A few years ago I happened on a college friend's blog. We hadn't seen or heard from each other since those days, so it was really nice to catch up. Well, on the side of her blog, she had a before and after picture. The Before Lindsay Brin and the After with Lindsay Brin. It was incredible.
Since that time, I have won 3 different DVD's and I am in love. This lady knows her stuff. She is funny, smart and dang ripped. And she is a mom. She has 2 kids and is pregnant with #3. She has struggled with getting pregnant and is a true-to-life person.
I have emailed back and forth with her {did I mention how down to earth she is?} and follow her on FB. She really is something to behold.
If you get a chance. Jump on over to her blog: http://www.momsintofitness.com/
You'll be glad that you did.
Diastasis recti
Having children is one of life's greatest gifts. {I wouldn't include pregnancy in this, but it's a necessary evil!!} Along with having children, comes the joys of motherhood: sleepless nights, nursing issues, infertility, etc. It's can be plain hard.
Add to that mix: your body. Out-of-shape {for the majority of us}, a body that doesn't function the same; a broken body.
After baby #1 I had a lower pudge. It didn't seem like it ever went away. I know that part of it was genetics, part was having a baby and most of it was me.
After #2, that lower belly grew a bit. It wasn't too bad, but it was still there.
After #3, I knew that my stomach was shot. It wasn't hard to see. I was about 25 lbs over what I was post #2, and it was bad.
Then one day, I was leaning back in the shower to rinse my hair..and I noticed a bulge down the middle of my stomach. It was weird. Almost like something was trying to push out.
I showed it to my husband and he didn't seem overly concerned, but it weirded him out a bit. Then I went online to start researching it. And researching it. And researching it. I found a name for it: Diastasis recti. The separating of the ab muscles.
It's generally pretty normal in pregnancies. Especially if you are short-waisted and the baby can only grow out {me}. What "normally" happens after pregnancy is that your abs go back together, unless..well, they don't.
There are ways to figure out if you have it: diastasis recti info. I did it and I was about 3-4 finger lengths wide.
Fast forward a few days: I figured that the exercises I was doing were actually making it WORSE! So, I stopped sit-ups, etc. I also thought that I would make an appointment with a plastic surgeon. I wanted to know all of my options. After thinking about this, I asked Luke to come over and double check that I wasn't dreaming and that my fingers really did sink in.
He was HORRIFIED! He couldn't believe it. I could've talked.talked.talked about it all day long, but for him to check himself? He was a believer.
Anyway, long story short. Going to get a tummy tuck isn't an option right now. It might be necessary down the road after children, but let's be honest...I don't have $$ to do it right now and if/when we have more kids=I would have to have another surgery=more $$.
Other options? Julie Tupler's technique. Support sites like: Raising Arrows and Beautiful after the Belly and Linsay Brin. They have all been a guiding light.
Are there post-partum things that you are worried about?
Crazy 8 Sale!!
HUGE sale for Memorial Day weekend. Everything $10.99 and less..in stores and online!
Hawaiian Chicken Salad
This is one of my favorite summer picnic foods! Mmmm so good! Sorry there are no pics!
2 c. chicken (I use 2 cans chicken)
1/2 c. celery
3/4 c. pineapple
1/3 c. craisins
1/2 c. mayo
1/2 c. sour cream
2 Tbls. green onions
1 tsp. Beaumonde Seasoning (by Spice Islands, or use garlic powder)
1 tsp. garlic powder
cashew halves or sliced almonds
1 tsp. lemon juice
Stir together everything but the fruit. When mixed well, softly fold the fruit into the mixture. Serve on large rolls, such as croissant rolls, or on a green salad. I also like to eat it in thick pita bread.
The American Lifestyle and what you can do…
The Standard American lifestyle has become so busy and hectic that food and nutrition is often not a first priority. We have to eat and eating is something we want to sandwich in really quickly between activities in our lives. Until we get sick or overweight, we don't think of changing our food. And even then, most people rely on prescription medications to control their symptoms and keep eating how they've been eating.
What many people do not realize, is that what we put into our bodies is TRULY important! Think of it this way, "toxic in, toxic out". If your food is toxic (unhealthy, processed, and devoid of nutrients), your life has the potential to be toxic. What we put into our bodies, if consistently unhealthy and processed, may eventually manifest itself as an illness. If our bodies do not go there, they are likely to go to decreased immunity, pain, and/or loss of energy. The environment inside our bodies matters. What we put into our bodies matters. If we are suffering, it could be because our diet is suffering.
It can be an overwhelming task to change our diets. I suggest focusing on "crowding out". Instead of taking away everything that we are eating, just slowly start adding some healthy foods. Adding some greens is a great way to start (spinach, kale, collard greens, watercress, etc.) Greens are the most nutrient dense food and there are so many things you can do with them. Something simple will do - a green smoothie or a salad with a yummy dressing. Don't worry about giving up your chocolate, just start drinking green smoothies in the morning. Eventually, you will find yourself wanting less and less of the junk and more and more of the food that is making your body feel healthy and energetic. Until I focused on this principle of crowding out, I never completely succeeded. I struggled to change my diet and, more so, maintain the healthy diet. I had to "white knuckle" it and try SO hard to not give in to cravings. When I finally gave myself permission to focus on adding in the good instead of taking out the bad, wow, it was a miracle! I was eventually able to rid myself of all my cravings. Now I crave my green smoothie and salads.
Do yourself a favor and add one healthy food to your repertoire today!
Amy is amazing. She is a wife, mother and friend. After graduate school and having children, she attended the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
She is extremely knowledgeable and through the course of many years has taken on food. You can read more by clicking on the button, Whole Foods, Whole Life on the right.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Keep it clean!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Would you believe it?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Edible Playdough
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Important info binder
Monday, May 16, 2011
Good alternatives to the expensive stores
Get the word out!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Kitchen Space
Toddler Days
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Styled by night

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Easy Fajitas
6 TBS. Italian dressing
Chicken breast, cut in to strips
Bell peppers, cut in to strips
Red onion, cut in to strips
Cook Chicken, season with salt and pepper, etc. Add a 1TBS of Italian dressing to coat. Move chicken to a bowl. Add your veggies and add more Italian. Cook for about 10 minutes. Add the chicken back in and warm.
Place on warmed tortillas. Add your favorite topping: sour cream, olives, cheese, salsa.
1 ½ lbs. Flank steak, (opt. cut into 4-6 pieces, but I left it in one big piece)
1 medium onion, chopped
1 green pepper, sliced (I added red & yellow peppers also) **
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 T. fresh cilantro, chopped
1 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. ground coriander
¾ - 1 tsp. salt
1 (10 oz) can diced tomatoes and green chilies, drained
Flour tortillas
Toppings: shredded cheddar cheese, sour cream, salsa
Place steak in a crocopot; top with onion. Then add green pepper, jalapeno, garlic, cilantro, chili powder, cumin, coriander, salt, and diced tomatoes. Cover and cook on HIGH 4-5 hours or on LOW 7 hours. Remove meat, and shred with 2 forks. Serve on tortillas and desired toppings.
**I might keep the peppers out until about an hour or so of serving. They were fantastic, BUT were a little TOO well done and almost mushy. This could also be because I cooked it overnight! ;)
Extra tidbits:
Good heavens this was good! Honestly, you won't go back to your other fajitas. And I really bought the flank steak, expensive, but worth every single penny!
French Dip
3.5-4lbs. Boneless/Sirloin Chuck Roast **See below**
1/2 C. Soy Sauce
1 bay leaf
3-4 Peppercorns (which I don't have, so I omitted--oops!)
1 tsp. dried Rosemary
1 tsp. dried thyme
1 tsp. garlic powder
Roll buns (you know, the kind that soaks up TONS of juice..yum!)
Place in a crockpot and cook on low for 7-8 hours or on high for 4 hours.
Extra tidbit:
**I have actually made a pot roast on Sunday and saved the meat for this the next day...I just rewarmed and maybe even "rinsed" the meat if I used completely different types of seasoning.
4 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded (Seasoned!! Salt, Pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, seasoned salt, etc)
2 (15 oz) cans black beans, rinsed and drained
4 green onions, chopped
2 T. lemon juice
½ tsp. cumin
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. chili powder
½ tsp. black pepper
1 lb. Pepper jack cheese, shredded (or any cheese you have in the house...pepper jack IS the best for this recipe)
8-10 tortillas
Sour cream
Aluminum Foil
1. In a small bowl combine beans, green onions, lemon juice, cumin, and ½ tsp. salt. Mix well.
2. In another separate bowl place cooked and shredded chicken, chili powder, pepper, and remaining ½ tsp. salt. Mix that well.
3. On tortillas, place grated cheese in a line near one edge of each tortilla. Top cheese with black bean salsa and then with the chicken mixture.
4. Roll up burritos and wrap each one separately in foil and place in a 9x13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes or until cheese melts. Top your tortilla with sour cream and salsa.
Extra Tidbit:
We LOVE these! We have fed many-a-people with these and they have all enjoyed them.
We serve it with a green salad AND Spanish Rice.
Dinnertime Quesadillas
2 c. shredded cooked chicken (after shredding-add salt, pepper, and other seasoning i.e.: onion
powder, garlic powder, seasoned salt to taste)
½ c. drained canned whole kernel corn
½ cup sliced green onions, opt.
½ c. drained canned black beans, rinsed
1 c. salsa
1 c. Mexican style shredded four cheeses
8 flour tortillas
1-2 tsp. RANCH DRESSING (add more to taste)
Layer chicken, corn, onions, beans, salsa, cheese and a squeeze of ranch over half (ONLY HALF) of each tortilla.
Fold tortillas in half to close filling.
Cook one quesadilla at a time in large non-stick skillet on medium-high heat about 3
minutes on each side or until quesadillas are lightly browned on both sides and cheese is melted.
Extra tidbit:
**Don’t throw away leftover chicken, beans or corn!! Use it on a salad—Southwestern style! Eat with a mixture of ranch and salsa for dressing—YUM!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Photog 101
In my quest to be a better person, I really feel that I wouldn't be able to do it without other wonderful women in my life. It's just how things happen.
With that said, we are happy to have other women contribute to this blog!
Have young children? Want to be a better photographer? Need help with nutrition in your home? You've come to the right place!