Part II: Establishing a routine...NOW!
Ahh, the lackadaisical days of summer are gone. Gone are the late nights and late mornings. Gone are the free days to do whatever you want. Gone, GONE I tell you!
But in all honesty, I'm sort of glad. I know that my children do better on a set schedule. They crave it and so do I.
Starting about a week before school, start going to bed earlier. Start the routine back up. We have started getting the kids ready for bed earlier, BUT have failed to make them wake up earlier. That is a big mom oopsie! I love my sleep, what can I say?
I will try and be better though. It is so important to those kiddos. They need as much sleep as they can get!
Also, before school starts, do a trial run. My 2nd grader (what?!) is pretty good about waking up on her own, getting her breakfast, getting dressed and making her lunch. She is a gem. BUT this year, my Kindergartener (what?!?!?!) is starting new. And let's be honest...not many little boys are wanting to do all of this by themselves.
Luckily for me, he only goes for 1/2 a day=no lunch prep. Unlucky for me, they get on the bus AT 7:15 a.m. Totally crazy.
So, here is a question (or two):
1.) What do you do to get ready for school?
2.) How early do you get up to get your kids ready for school?
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