Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday talk: Discipline and Resolutions

That post title doesn't seem like it makes much sense, but with all of the jumble of this'll get it.

After that last post, I had some reassuring comments.  It's nice to know that there are mothers, sisters, aunts, grandparents, etc.  that "get it" and have either faced a similar problem or knows someone who has.  Thank you!

In other news, did you know that spanking your child has been linked to long-term effects? HERE is the article.  We posted about Discipline last year. 
Do you agree?

And last, but not are your New Year's Resolutions/Goals going? 

While driving home from Chicago after our NYE fun, we had a few that we thought would be appropriate for our family this year.  I don't remember writing them down, but I DO remember that we were going to go until June, and reevaluate how the first half of the year had gone and if we needed to change anything.

A few of our goals? 
Read the scriptures as a family. 
We have these goals more exact in our minds, but I really think that writing them down (like in year's past) would have been a bit smarter than trying to just do them off the fly.

Any goals you would like to share?

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